In Depth School Reviews
The Trust schools have used their expertise to develop a rigorous review process to ensure high standards are constantly maintained.The Headteachers form a mini inspection team and undertake regular reviews in each of the schools in the Trust. Each review takes into consideration any specific focus identified by the recipient school and involves robust data interrogation, interviews with SLTs, lesson observations, book reviews and pupil conferencing. Evidence based feedback is provided highlighting strengths and areas/suggestions for improvement and development. As well as delivering tangible outcomes for the schools and the children, this ‘critical friend’ intervention enables the whole school to confidently feel Ofsted ready and have a clear understanding of what to expect. Furthermore, embedding monitoring and self evaluation techniques within schools also enhances the staff self reviews, giving them more ownership of their own professional development.
Implementation of the review across the group of schools has enabled the benchmarking of judgements so that the team is now highly skilled in making robust and consistent judgements of school performance and identify recommendations to move the school forward.
If you would like to discuss or arrange a LTE School Review please contact the LTE Business Manager, Richard Green. 07714 789460